Veritaseum Autonomous Distributed Interactive Research
Introducing VeADIR
VeADIR is an interactive, digital research vehicle that offers exposures to its vetted research subjects. The research takes advantage of distributed ledger (blockchain) and smart contract technology in that it can be both dynamic and applied. This means the research can and will be actionable by this independent construct in near real time. VeADIR is ibeing built to be independent from Veritaseum in manner and action. As such, it is being designed to makes decisions separate and apart from Veritaseum or other entities and it must be considered autonomous and sovereign in its actions and existence.
Communication is performed in machine language to and from the VeADIR summarizing the token purchases, distributions, valuation forensics and market liquidity.
The VeADIR will pay operating fees to Veritaseum (tokens, either USD-locked or other) for real world research. Veritaseum then feeds research results to VeADIR.
Either other smart contracts/constructs (likely preferable, wherein VERI holders can purchase access) or specialized wallets can be used to convert said machine language into lay person readable human language.
Users pay VERI to the VeADIR in order to receive the contract-processed research that the VeADIR purchases from Veritaseum in machine language. This is likely in the form of what is the most promising blockchain based assets.
This research will look like this in the case of an entity-based token offering (VeADIR will purchase a wide plethora of assets, ie. distressed credits to digital platform tokens):
- Weighting
- Token
- Value: Overpriced (float)
- Cashflows: Sparse (float)
- Market: float
- Management team:
- Competition:
- Short
- Full financials?
- Valuation analysis
- Trends?
GNO: overpriced, sparse initial cash flows, large potential market, large mgmt team, strong competitors, short recommendation, full financials and valuation analysis will come with it. Trends and other easily recorded information can be sent to VeADIR, ex. ROI 2.5%, eROE 7.5%, Rev growth 50%, DCFvalue=, compvalue, etc.
Execute a function on the VeADIR contract (yes, no, no vote, 25%, 76%) and have their choice weight according to the % holding of VERI tokens. The goal is to make sure that those asking the VeADIR questions incur a cost to do so, and the VeADIR benefits from said cost.
The VeADIR will then create a model portfolio with the excess assets/tokens that it has at hand, and offer that model portfolio along with the machine language research to the token holders on a periodic basis (eg. weekly, monthly, quarterly, even potentially daily).
VeADIR makes predictable purchasing decision based on a proprietary algorithm.
Veritaseum tokens allow VERI holders to trade research/model portfolios between and amongst themselves with real world assets as well as trading between various VeADIR constructs as well.
That machine language comes back with pro rata portions of the actual tokens purchased as well as the option to purchase additional software (either another smart contract access or wallet) to read said machine code into human readable material.
Step-by-step example case
- Veritaseum codes VeADIR and initially funds it with assets (ie. 1000 VERI).
- XYZ has an ICO coming up and petitions VeADIR for contribution - or - ABC Bank has distressed assets it’s looking to move in order to re-enlist with its local exchange. It answers the simplified set of binary and sliding scale questions, paying for that in VERI, and it either passes or fails (let’s assume it passes).
- VeADIR then requests additional VERI for a full analysis from XYZ. (currently, approximately 400 VERI ($5,266) and upon receipt passes the relevant info to Veritaseum (machine language).
- Veritaseum then produces a report.
- VeADIR accepts info, acts on it through XYZ exchange (centralized legacy or decentralized P2P), and optionally makes research available to token holders who contributed xxxx VERI. Those VERI contributors who opt to receive the “raw” research will have to interact with a separate smart contract to translate machine language to human readable text.
- VeADIR then buys/sells (via the Veritaseum Rental Facility) the tokens via exchanges. It can use ETH to make the purchase through its ETH reserve and/or USD-locked tokens based on Veritas derivatives such as Ve.USD.