A Step-by-Step Tutorial for the VeADIR Interactive Research Application Suite.





VeADIR User Guide


 Part 1 - Introduction and Definitions













 Part 2 - Wallet Setup and KYC - Desktop/Laptop/Tablet













 Part 3 - Wallet Setup and KYC - SmartPhone













 Part 4 - Navigating the Menu













 Part 5 - Using VeExposure













 Part 6 - Using VeRent













 Part 7A - Using VeAssets













 Part 7B - Using VeAssets













 Part 8 - Accessing VeResearch  and Veritization













 Part 9 - Using VeLend












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You must be holding more than 3,333 VERI, be an identifiable accredited investor, or be a member of a family office or qualified purchaser ($5M in assets or higher) to gain access to VeADIR beta.